Yearly Refundable Volunteer Fee

Yearly Fee is $400 per player/Family

Each family with a player in the Pre-Select or Select programs is asked to volunteer 10 hours per year for their child(ren). Upon completing the volunteer hours, families may*** be eligible for reimbursement of the volunteer fee. Families can apply the money to their player account or donate it to the scholarship fund. Families that do not complete volunteer hours will forfeit the fee to the Black Hills Rapids Soccer Club.

Volunteer opportunities are plentiful within the Rapid City Soccer Organization. They may include things such as coaching, being a team manager, tournament volunteer, being a committee member, or assisting with other club functions and outreach activities. All families throughout the organization are encouraged to volunteer.

Upon completing volunteer hours, the family is responsible for completing and submitting the Volunteer Form.  The fee will be refunded once ALL hours have been completed. 

***If a player’s account has a negative balance upon completion of the volunteer time, the fee will be applied to the account.