Inclement Weather Policy
Severe weather in our area that may involve the suspension or cancellation of a game, practice or other activity generally includes lightning, heavy rain, hail and tornadoes. While there are guidelines that referees, coaches or staff will follow in these severe weather conditions, it is important that each individual, to the best of their ability, take responsibility for their own safety. All individuals should know and heed community warning systems and general rules of severe weather safety. Families are encouraged to have their own plan for severe weather regarding shelter, carpools from canceled games and practices, and other events.
Lightning Policy
The Black Hills Rapids Soccer Club will use the WeatherBug Spark Lightning Alert application to review and assess lightning conditions.
We have a lightning detector system that will detect lightning within 10 miles of the complex. If you hear a long horn sound, please leave the fields and go to your vehicles. There will be a 30 minute timer and this time resets with every lightning strike.
When the lightning is all clear, you will hear 3 horn sounds. This means that it is ok to return to play.
Same-Day Cancellation of Games and Practices
The Director of Coaching or team coach(s) will make the decision to cancel activities at any fields we use. Please check the Black Hills Rapids website before you leave for the soccer fields. The Club or coach will try to provide information regarding cancellations as early as possible. If you are playing an away game, check that club's website for information about their fields before heading out.
In Progress Suspension of Games
The referee will suspend the game if a warning of severe weather is reported or sighted. Policies governing games which are suspended in progress:
The Black Hills Rapids Soccer Club will use US Soccer's Heat guidelines to determine whether or not it is safe to practice. This takes into consideration other factors besides just the temperature.