Rec Program Director
Please click on Link Below
Please Click on Link Below
Click link below for Instructions
Click below to visit our coaches corner. Here you will find all of the great resources needed to be able to coach after you sign up to coach. It will discuss lesson plans, resources, ideas, etc. Click below to be a great volunteer.
This program is for those players (3 years old to under 19 years old) who play for the love of the game. All of the coaches in the Recreational Program are volunteer coaches and donate their time to help our youth players and community. The recreational teams play a six to eight week schedule in the fall and spring and will generally practice one to two times a week. There is no travel in the recreational program. This program consist of 3 different programs to accommodate all ages.
First Kicks - 3 and 4 year olds
U5/U6 - 4 year olds to 5 year olds (6 year olds in Spring when kids begin to age up)
U7 to U19 - 6 year olds up to 18 year olds ( 19 years old in Spring when kids begin to age up)
IF you have questions about the program please read through the website prior to reaching out 99% of all questions can be answered here. Thank you
1) Sports Engine is required for all communications and schedules and games time. Coaches will only communicate through this App and so will the club .
2) Please download Facebook and join the Black Hills Rapids Page. This is where closures of the field and cancelation of events is communicated ASAP!
Soccer, we are all here for the children so please remember to be encouraging to all players and teams.
Chain of command for parent concerns or questions. Parent/player to Coach, parent/player, coach to Director of Rec, Player/parent, coach, DOR to DOC. We hope to eliminate most issues at the coach level.
A few Major Complex Guidelines:
Full list of rules are under resources on this website.
No unauthorized vehicles the fields or side walks and parking lot to include but not limited to motorized bikes/scooters, electric bikes/scooters, motorized boards, UTV’s, etc.
No animals are allow of any kind on the fields or inside the complex to include Dogs, cats, etc. (only authorized service/support animals and they must be on a lease at all times)
No open Fires any where within the complex
No Alcohol/drug use is allowed inside the complex
No parking on the grass or non designated parking areas.
Please observe the one way driving in the parking lot and follow all advisory signs
There are many other polices and rules within our club guidelines if you have questions about certain things please visit the website of ask a club representee. As well if you do not know if it is allowed or not pleaser refrain from the activity until you have check the dos and dont’s of the soccer complex and club.
We are thankful for the membership but our first priority is the safety and security of the membership and its youth players. Our goal is to ensure a safe environment where our youth players can enjoy the game of soccer. If you observe behavior or acts that break the rules or are unbecoming of a BHR member please report it to the director that over sees each program.
Game Day Information:
1) When and where are the practices held and games played?
Practices and games will be held at the Dakota Fields Soccer Complex (click here for a map) unless otherwise noted. U13 and up will also practice and play at Nordemeer at Sioux park. The exact times and fields depend on the age division and will be communicated to you by your coach. Games for the lower age divisions are held on Saturdays, with practices for U8 and above taking place at least once a week in the evening.
2) How long are the games?
U6 — Four 6-minute quarters
U8 — Four 12-minute quarters
U10 — Two 25-minute halves
U12 — Two 30-minute halves
U14 — (8v8) Two 30-minute halves
U19 — (8v8) Two 30-minute halves
3) Home Team wears Burgundy and away team wears White. Always bring both just in case.
I.E. Tigers at Unicorns = Tigers away and Unicorns Home
4) Coaches are on one side of the field and the parents sit on the other. There is to be no parents on the side of the field with the coaches. This is enforced by the refs.
5) Please cheer for all players involved and be positive no matter the outcome.
6) Please leave the coaching to the coaches if you believe you are a better coaches then please sign up and help the following season.
7) U8 and below will not have Refs and the games will be monitored by the coaches. U9 and Up should have Refs but they are run by a different organization and they are having trouble finding and keeping refs.
8) It is ok for a parent to bring half time and end game snacks but be mindful of allergies and ask ahead of time.
9) Be early to a game so the kids can warm up and also reduce injury.
10) Shin guards are required to play a game and so are proper soccer cleats or tennis shoes.
Please scroll below to see important resources:
1) Fees, Age Groups & Start Dates for Each program
2) Field Map and Locations
3) Program Description by age
4) Rec Coaches Info and Coaches Corner
5) Scholarship application
6) Weather Policy
Registration will open January 1st!
Registration will open June 1st
Please Click Desired Program Below
Click on PDF below
Click on the PDF below
Click on PDF Below
Please Click on the link Below
Please click on the Document below and fill out all needed information then email to
Please click on the weather policy Icon to read full Weather policy.
Quick Guide Below:
1) Cancelation will be announced as quick as possible generally by 4pm the day of the events/practices. The quickest way to find out about fields and closer is to join our Facebook account. We will try to send an email as well but that does not always happen if we are on the fields and can not communication via email thus please reference Facebook.
2) If a game is canceled, we will move that event to the end of your schedule and do our best to have the event made up.
3) We follow US Youth Soccer cold and Hot weather guidelines and to see them once again please click on the weather icon above.
4) All weather-related closers are serious and that means events cannot be held if the fields are closed. Safety first. If the fields are closed and you decide to host an event the club is not liable. We do are very best to mitigate risk to the players, and we ask families and coaches to do the same.